The creator of Jito, a well-known substitute Solana client, abruptly removed its mempool feature on Friday. This feature was a crucial component of Jito’s engineering stack, but it had allowed for a number of expensive front-running attacks against cryptocurrency traders.
Jito announced on Friday that its mempool would shut down in a few hours via tweet. Before being uploaded to the blockchain, transactions are stored in mempools. Although Jito’s Block Engine, which is intended to add “maximum extractable value” (MEV) to the chain, has a mempool, Solana’s fundamental architecture does not.
A six-week struggle between astute traders who were taking advantage of the mempool by front -running other people’s trades and Jito’s stewards has come to a conclusion with this judgment. Jito’s terms of service prohibited “front running” in its mempool for a significant portion of its existence, yet traders continued to carry out these alleged “sandwich attacks” in spite of this. When arbitrage bots trade against users whose transactions are waiting to settle in the mempool, it’s known as a sandwich attack. The culprits primarily target large orders in this specialized area of MEV on Ethereum. However, many retail consumers were suffering as a result of Solana’s low fees, which made sandwich attacking all too simple.
In a statement sent after this article was published, Jito Labs contributor Lucas Bruder said the team “has been attempting to minimize the impact of negative MEV for months now. This includes working with other protocols on advising applications on better UI, notifying applications of MEV leakage, and advising applications on more accurate pricing mechanisms to allow lower price slippage settings.”
“Additionally, we attempted to engineer solutions to reject sandwich bundles, but our solutions became a cat-and-mouse game with MEV searchers,” the statement continued. “In the conclusion, the Jito Labs team believes that sandwich attacks and other negative MEV are a burden on the Solana ecosystem. As a result, we have suspended the mempool due to the lack of an engineering fix. We’re still committed to making Solana the greatest execution environment for all users while also giving validators and stakers a second source of income.”
Developer Jito of Solana Client Ends ‘Mempool’ Function
- by Blockchain Africa
- March 9, 2024