According to Austin Federa, head of strategy at the Solana Foundation, the Solana project’s objective of creating the fastest open, permissionless, and decentralized network in the world is still a ways off.
“From a user experience perspective, the network is nowhere near where we sort of hope and expect it to be,” Federa told Cointelegraph during an interview on the sidelines of Paris Blockchain Week.
Federa claims that Solana’s popularity, which has resulted in an unforeseenly large volume of traffic on the network, is what has caused the congestions that have beset the service.He stated, “The charitable view of this is a failure of success, this huge demand for the Solana block space,” noting that Solana is processing more transactions per second than the total layer-1 and layer-2 transactions on Ethereum.
However, he acknowledged that Solana developers ought to have been able to foresee the spikes in demand that would have an impact on the network and made the required changes ahead of schedule.
“The estimation between what the demand for Solana would be versus when this thing needed to be upgraded and fixed, those things did not line up,” Federa explained.