Blockchain Crypto

Linking Domain Names With Crypto Wallets: GoDaddy, Ethereum Name Service, and Web Registry

Through a partnership with GoDaddy, the Ethereum Name Service (ENS), a domain name system built on top of Ethereum, will enable users to link internet domains to their ENS addresses at no cost.During the weak market, mainstream corporations’ adoption of Web3 decreased; however, the agreement between ENS and GoDaddy, the biggest internet domain registration, may indicate that interest in integrating blockchain technology with conventional platforms has resumed.

“Beyonce owns, and now she can set up a wallet just by going into the GoDaddy page and entering your address,” Nick Johnson, the founder of ENS, told CoinDesk as an example. “Now is her wallet identifier for all intents and purposes.”

Eventually, the goal will be to integrate more chains beyond Ethereum.

“Right now you can use this integration to set your Ethereum address, but going forward, it ought to be possible to do this for addresses for all chains to set text records, so you can make your .xyz or your .com, your Web3 profile.”

The news is made while ENS and GoDaddy are still battling in court over the sale of an ENS domain name, “”

“I guess, you know, you can have a disagreement with somebody over one thing but still remain good friends and still be happy to partner on other things. And, we see eye-to-eye on a lot of things,” Johnson told CoinDesk. The case is still open in court, according to Johnson. “I think naming and Web3 work better when we don’t try and pretend that legacy systems don’t exist, and try and reinvent everything from scratch, but instead build systems that work off and build on top of existing systems,” Johnson added.

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